SARS-CoV-2 Cartograms

Europe: death rate per 1000 infected persons in Europe based on data from the European Centre of Disease Control and Prevention. (, status: 29.03.2020: Cartogram reprojected data using ESRI vector base dataset for Europe. Update with data from 29-03-2020. Legend removed for quicker upload. The data is slightly distorted since not all federal states report infection numbers regularly on a...

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The 2020 (Out)Break

2020: as far as I can remember there hasnt been such a situation of overall societal and economic shutdown. Tschernobyl comes to mind or the 9-11 terror attack – maybe the Tsunami/Fukushima disaster in Japan or the financial crisis in 2008 but this time with the Corona outbreak its a global disaster with more secondary effects on all dimensions of...

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Happy New Year 2020!

Between the Years Contemplation II Healthy and successful New Year to everybody out there! 2020 started with some nice hikes around the lakes, basically: around the lake, into the sauna, than into the lake and to the open fire to warm up again with some really good risotto. Our usual family move into the woods near New Year turns out...

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L-Plates – the power of precision

There are lots of different L-Plate manufacturers out there but only few create L-Plates designed for specific cameras/lenses. The real advantage of having L-Plates that were designed to work for a specific piece of gear is that these plates just can be seated on the body/lens as if they where designed by the lens/camera-body manufacturer. In fact the lens plate...

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Yacht & Regatta Fotografie

by S. Hese 28.12.2019 Textfassung des Vortrages vom 2.2.2019 beim Wintertreffen des FKY in Hamburg Die Regatta- und Yachtfotografie stellt sicher einen Spezialbereich der Fotografie dar, vielleicht angesiedelt in einem Schnittmengenbereich der Sport- und Naturfotografie. Die große Herausforderung stellt dabei die Abhängigkeit von den Wetter- bzw. Licht- und Windbedingungen dar. Kaum eine Sportart ist derartig abhängig von den externen Bedingungen....

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On-Speculation Shootings – a 2019 Review

Between the Years Contemplations I Some thoughts about On-Spec Shootings. 2019 was one of the years where I did intentionally reduced the amount of “on speculation” photo shoots. Most of us started that way – doing shoots that you hope someone recognizes and where you can sell some images later – given that you have the right contacts – the...

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Senatspreis Gallery 2019 online

jetzt endlich online: die Senatspreis Galerie von 2019 ist jetzt hier online. Wie immer bin ich zum Ende der Saison nochmal ziemlich ausgelastet – primär diesmal allerdings durch Vorbereitungen zu den verschiedenen Präsentationen/Vorträgen zu meinen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten mit Drohnen im Hainich Nationalpark zum Monitoring des Buchensterbens. Die Aufmerksamkeit der Medien im Sommer war enorm – das hat viel Zeit...

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Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image Contest 2019

You can vote for this shot here: As usual in October the Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image Contest starts. This year it wasnt difficult to decide. Choosing one image is always a challenge but I did not want to submit a stacked image again. There was too much debate online about this imaging concept and getting online flack is always...

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Danish Open Windsurf Wave/Freestyle Championships 2019

Danish Open Windsurf Wave/Freestyle Championships 2019 – a shooting from Saturday at Agger/Denmark and some trainings shots at Klitmöller. This year the wind and wave conditions started difficult. The race was postponed to friday and than again to saturday early morning. The team was pretty flexible and just moved the full organization at early friday morning to the Agger surfspot...

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