Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image 2017 Contest

One of my shots made it into this year “Mirabaud Yacht Racing Photo Contest”. This contest is the only sailing and yacht racing image contest available and to have one image displayed there is a really nice year-end success and directs some attention and awareness to your work.
Selecting the one shot of a full sailing season for the contest is however a real challenge – I went through my LR library and reviewed all my 4-5star and BestOf selections and finally came up with 10 candidate shots. The int505 stack from the 505 IDM wasnt my first choice originally but it had this “I have to look closer – whats going on”-effect that only few images generate. Its hard to create shots that remain interesting and complex even after looking at them for a while. Adding time as a component to images is always adding a lot complexity. Its easy to visualize tacking-errors or positional changes – tactical aspects of sailing appear visually. This can lead to strong imaging concepts.
In fact the original 505 stack was a wee bit different. I removed the multiple shots of the rib that sits between the lee marks. It creates this one-against-many effect that makes the image more powerful but the contest regulations do not allow removal of objects and the stack is likely also at the border of violating these rules anyway. So I kept the multiple rib objects in the stack in the original submission. The Mirabaud Contest goes here: http://www.yachtracingimage.com/gallery/contest-2017/soren-hese/